Cognitive Impairment Testing

Truly understanding your loved one’s situation is key to providing the best care for them. Cognitive Impairment Testing is key to that process. Let our licensed professionals help you diagnose their needs.

Gerontologist Performing Cognitive Impairment Testing

What is Cognitive Impairment Testing?

Cognitive impairment testing is a series of assessments designed to evaluate an individual’s mental functions, such as memory, attention, language, and problem-solving skills. These assessments delve into various cognitive domains, including memory, both short-term and long-term; attention, encompassing the ability to focus, sustain attention, and switch between tasks; language, evaluating both expressive and receptive language skills; executive function, encompassing higher-level cognitive skills such as planning, organizing, problem-solving, and decision-making; and visuospatial skills, evaluating the ability to perceive and manipulate visual information.

The specific tests administered will vary depending on the individual’s age, medical history, and the suspected areas of cognitive decline. These tests provide valuable information for diagnosing cognitive disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, helping clinicians understand the nature and severity of cognitive decline and monitor the progression of the condition.

How Are The Results of Cognitive Impairment Testing Used?

Cognitive impairment testing results are used to:

Develop a care plan: Guide the development of personalized care plans to address cognitive challenges and support the individual’s independence.

Identify cognitive decline: Early detection of cognitive issues can help with early intervention and management.

Diagnose cognitive disorders: Such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

Monitor cognitive function: Track changes in cognitive abilities over time and assess the effectiveness of treatment.

Who Should Be Tested?

If you are unsure about your aging relative’s mental capacities, there is no wrong time to be tested. However, cognitive impairment testing may be recommended for individuals who are experiencing:

  • Memory problems: Difficulty recalling recent events, forgetting familiar names or places, or experiencing frequent episodes of forgetfulness.
  • Changes in thinking or judgment: Difficulty concentrating, making decisions, or solving problems.
  • Language difficulties: Trouble finding the right words, understanding conversations, or expressing thoughts clearly.
  • Behavioral changes: Increased irritability, apathy, or social withdrawal.
  • Family concerns: Family members or friends noticing significant changes in the individual’s cognitive abilities.

What Types of Tests Do You Offer?

Silver Lantern Care is able to offer two cognitive impairment tests – the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Test.

These tests are widely used screening tools for detecting mild cognitive impairment and dementia by assessing various cognitive domains like attention, memory, executive function, language, and visuospatial skills.

What Should I Expect When These Tests Are Administered?

During the MoCA test, you can expect a series of tasks that evaluate your attention, concentration, working memory, language, visuospatial abilities, and executive functions.

Similarly, the MMSE involves questions and tasks to assess your orientation, attention, memory, language, and visuospatial skills. Both tests typically take about 10-15 minutes to administer.

Can You Work With Someone Remotely?

We are able to perform both the MoCA and MMSE tests remotely by video call. As such, we are able to help anyone within the United States. We can also perform the test in person for those who are local to the Salt Lake City area in Utah.

What Our Customers Say

Michael is professional and responsive. He is knowledgeable and has all resources to help local families who have a loved one in need.

David Coleman

They are wonderful individuals. They truly care and always put the needs of the families they serve ahead of anything else. I trust them, they have the experience that is needed to help others navigate all the options. As a professional I would highly recommend them!

Lehi Rodriguez

Schedule A Test For Your Seniors Today!

Our licensed gerontologists can help identify health concerns and arm you with the information you need to navigate this time with your seniors.

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